About Us
RCCG (Restoration Assembly) (House of Favor) Albany NY was birthed in 2003 and has since experienced continual growth under the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit through his servant Pastor Lanre Peters. We are a vibrant ministry made up of diverse groups of people from different nationalities and cultural backgrounds. Our common bond is a faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
Our Vision
The vision of this Parish is found in 2 Timothy 2: 2 – “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.”
Our Belief
God the Father – Creator of Heaven and Earth, who made man in His own image and likeness.
Jesus Christ – The only begotten Son of God the Father.
The Holy Spirit – The comforter and teacher of all things who dwells within us, uniting us to Jesus Christ.
The Death and Ressurection of Jesus Christ – That Jesus Christ died on the cross at Calvary for the sins of mankind, and He rose from the Dead in His glorified body on the third day, and He ascended into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of God the Father.
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit – Is available to all who believe in Jesus Christ, and is evidenced by the gift of speaking in tongues.
Water Baptism – That baptism can only be by immersion in water as Jesus Christ was baptized.
Salvation – It is a gift from God through grace and faith in Christ Jesus. That all who believe in the name of Jesus Christ may be saved by turning from sin to repentance and are born again by the Holy Spirit through trusting in His death and resurrection.
The Blood of Jesus Christ – Which was shed for us at Calvary, cleanses us of all sin and grants us access into the presence of God.
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ – That Jesus Christ will come again to earth in glory and in power. That those dead in Christ will rise first and those alive in Christ will be in the presence of God for eternity.
Sanctification – Separation from the world unto God – a life of true holiness.
The Holy Spirit – Is the infallible and authoritative Word of God, given directly to all men and women for salvation.
The Mandate – That man was created in the image and likeness of God to be fruitful, to multiply, to replenish the earth, to subdue it and to have dominion over it.