A Christian is Not Permitted to be Average
Lessons from Abraham’s Journey
In the vast narratives of the Bible, the story of Abraham stands as a profound testament to the extraordinary call God places on the lives of those who choose to follow Him. Genesis 11 and the subsequent chapters offer more than just the account of a man leaving his country; they present a compelling argument against mediocrity for every Christian.
The journey of Abraham, later named Abraham by God in a covenant of multiplication and blessings (Genesis 17:5), is a beacon for all believers, emphasizing that a life of faith is far from average. Abraham’s call to leave his homeland, family, and familiar surroundings was not for an ordinary purpose. It was a divine invitation to step into the unknown, trust God completely, and become the father of many nations.
**1. Called to Greatness**
From Abraham’s story, it’s clear that God does not call His people to settle for mediocrity. In Genesis 12:2, God promises to make Abraham a great nation. This promise was not just about numerical growth but about influence, significance, and impact. As Christians, we are inheritors of this promise through faith (Galatians 3:29). Therefore, settling for an average existence is contrary to the divine design and calling upon our lives.
**2. Faith Over Comfort**
Abraham’s journey underscores the principle that true faith often requires stepping out of our comfort zones. He was called to leave everything familiar behind without knowing his destination (Hebrews 11:8). This act of obedience was a leap of faith, not of average complacency. Similarly, Christians are called to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7), pursuing God’s extraordinary plans over personal comfort.
**3. A Legacy of Blessing**
The promise God made to Abraham was not solely for his benefit. It was a covenant that would affect generations to come, making him a blessing to “all families of the earth” (Genesis 12:3). As followers of Christ, our lives are meant to be a source of blessing, influence, and hope to others, extending far beyond average aspirations.
**Call to Action:**
Let us rise above mediocrity, embracing our God-given potential for greatness. Reflect on your life’s journey, and ask yourself where God is calling you to step out in faith. Whether it’s starting a new ministry, pursuing a God-given dream, or simply deepening your relationship with Him, let Abraham’s example inspire you to respond with obedience and courage.
**Prayer Point:**
Lord, help us to embrace the extraordinary call You have on our lives. Give us the faith of Abraham to leave our comfort zones, trusting You completely. May we live lives that are far from average, impacting our world and leaving a legacy of blessings for generations to come. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
This teaching was gotten from Pastor Lanre Peter watch the full video below
#StepIntoGreatness #SaturdaySpirit #RccgAlbanyNy #WordOfTheDay #ExtraordinaryFaith